
Success Through

Any successful career starts with good education.
Together with us you will have deeper knowledge of the subjects that will be especially useful for you when climbing the career ladder.
Announcement Application

About us

  • Matlaisane -Matlaisane was named after Masasane Matlaisane a royalty from the Bakgatla ba Mocha House.
  • According to legeng Matlaisane was supposed to be a chief but Mankolane Moepi from Marapyane opted for Alfred Tlhame maubane,
  • The he school was bulit in 1975 by the community of Dertig, Sespond, Danhouse and Lefatlheng as there was no high school for the village's women played a prominent role in the project.

School Will:

Learners will:

  • Be punctual and present at all times to ensure that learning and teaching takes place.
  • Dedicate themselves to achieve excellence and reach their full potential in all school activities: academic, sport, culture, social and leadership.
  • Be loyal to the school and respectful to educators, staff members, fellow learners and everyone they meet.
  • Familiarise themselves with the schools Code of Conduct, school rules and core values and strive to honour it at all times
  • Parents/Guardians Will:

  • Support the learning process.
  • Encourage and support homework.
  • Ensure and monitor learner attendance.
  • Be acquainted with and support the school’s Code of Conduct and instill the school’s values.
  • Ensure the safety and well-being of learners.
  • Attend school meetings regularly.
  • Support effective parent/school communication.
  • Support the governing body, principal and teachers.
  • Besides the curriculum, families should support schools in field trips, assemblies, student performances and sports events.
  • Community will:

  • The notion that community has an important role in the education of Matlaisane’s children is long-standing and is a central theme of education reform.
  • Community members partnering on the ground can ensure safety and provide support (e.g., neighbors along route to school) and community agencies partnering between systems (e.g., child welfare, law enforcement, libraries) offer protective factors that can contribute to student resilience as well as help efficiently and effectively address issues when they arise.
  • Educators wil:

  • Establish positive and professional relationships with the learners, parents and other stakeholders.
  • Always render a professional service and go the extra mile to educate learners by creating an environment conducive to teaching and learning.
  • Develop the talents of the learners through extra-curricular activities.
  • Implement and maintain the Code of Conduct and honour the school’s core values in order to instil self-discipline in the learners.
  • Acknowledge all religious beliefs and basic human norms and values in partnership with parents and the community.
  • Refer learners for psycho-social and emotional support
  • Gallery

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    Mission & Vision


    • A crave for exellence...

    • Prepare learners to fulfil their responsibilities as citizens of their community , country and the world
    • Educating and training learners to meet the demands of the modern technology and global and the village.
    • Inculcating a sense of ownership of the school on learners, parents , staff and the broader school community
    • Harnessing learner's talents and morality



    Qualified for athletics district elimination

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    Davhana Khutso

    Provincial qualifier 2022



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    Contact Us

    Matlaisane Secondary School was founded on the principle that by pursuing big ideas and sharing what we learn,
    we make the world a better place. For more than 46 years, we haven’t strayed from that vision.


    PRIVATE BAG X 1005

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